At Jecca Blac, we consider ourselves experts in the field of gender-affirming makeup tips. That’s because before we launched as a makeup brand, we began with educational safe space makeup lessons for trans women. As a brand born from the unmet needs of the trans community, our ...
Tag Archive for: Transgender Life
On December 16, 2022, Brielle was officially, legally born. She’d been gestating for nearly 6 decades, but with a family court judge’s ruling, Brielle burst out onto the streets of Pittsburgh. How did these events set up? I suppose it all began in 1960. I have clear memories ...
My road to banning Conversion Therapy in New Zealand My journey becoming Catherine Anne Vos has been an arduous journey full of potholes and hiccups, or so I thought when I started off. Then again, a part of my journey has never been discussed in real terms. Yes, I heard a...
Hi, girlfriends. Let me tell you that I am an avid reader. I enjoy histories, biographies, professional works, and science fiction. I read a sci-fi story years ago by Robert Heinlein, with assistance from Spider Robi so post mortem. The book is titled Variable Star. T...
How did I know I was trans? When did I realize I was trans? Part One
Stephanie Do I Need to Transition? 3These are complicated questions for me, and they have complicated answers. When I first realized I needed to transition, I could have pinpointed specific days or times to answer either of those questions. However, my perspective on my past has changed quite a bit in the past few ...
A woman is walking along the sidewalk on a windy day. The wind begins blowing stronger and stronger until its fierce enough to blow her away. Yet, she continues to walk defiantly against the wind. She leans forward against the impermeable gusts of wind. That scene summarized the ...
For the last few days I’ve been staying with an old friend who knew me before transition. It’s been wonderful to catch up with him and enjoy each other’s company. Now that I’m living authentically I feel as though there are fewer barriers up, and we’...
For the last 9 months and 28 days I’ve been living as a woman all day, every day. At home, at work, and out in the world I am a woman. Whether I’m exercising or relaxing, spending time with friends or alone I am me. I know that many transgender woman who haven’t...
Greetings gentle readers, Thank you for following me here to this new portion of the web I call my own. I have deep love and care for all those wrestling with gender issues, and for their loved ones who wrestle alongside them. However I found it more and more difficult to write w...
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