What you see is what you get, may be a term you have heard; or maybe you have heard someone say, ‘What we focus on expands’ or ‘Seek and you will find’.
Where energy goes, everything grows
When we spend our time mostly focused on what is going wrong on our planet and who to blame for it, or participate in such things as projecting into the future, our esteemed opinion of what drama may be coming, we are giving our life energy to those ideas.
One thing I have experienced again and again, regardless of what appears to be going on around me on the planet, is whatever I am giving my mental attention, seemingly in much greater supply than anything I say and truly want, but devote little attention to.
There is tragedy, drama, suffering, pain, and death all around us, every second, every day. While in contrast, there are also fields of blossoming flowers, babies being born, successes and triumphs beyond our imagination.
Remember when you got that new car, then suddenly you saw them everywhere? It wasn’t that there were more of them on the road that day, your mind was just hyper focused, giving its attention to that model or make.
For most of my life, I gave much of my attention to what others might think about me. I would often ask them, ‘what do you think?’
I recall one summer day, several years ago sitting chatting with a friend about what I thought was my continued and very hidden gender expression, when suddenly, he blurted out ‘everyone around here knows’. He asked me if I wanted to hear what so and so had said about me, I calmly replied ‘no thank you’.
He was very insistent, continuing to tell me what turned out to be only one other person’s opinion. I shrugged and replied, ‘everyone has an opinion but the meaning I give it, is what matters to me.
Placing my attention on negative things
I simply see more of them and what follows is my emotional response to those images. On an average day my actions will follow the emotions and set the tone for my day.
After several weeks, months and years, the habit became my personality. I believe it is just who I am, but who I have truly chosen to act like; the character I have created whether consciously or unconsciously, to express what is in me to give to the world. The world is as I choose to see it; for you it’s as you see it and no other way.
This week remember that each of us is responsible for our own thoughts, feelings, and actions. No one else can control these things without our permission.
As a species, I would hazard a guess that most of us give 70% of our attention to things we do not like and the rest might be divided between what we do like and what we have no opinion about as well.
We can look around us and give 70% of our attention to what is not working, and we will see more of that. Another option is to give 70% of our attention to what is working on our planet and feel the joy of that.
What we give most our attention to
Is what we will see, hear, and experience more of in our daily living, as well as influence what is going on around us on the planet. Emotions are like magnets with an ability to attract things.
We can observe what is going on around us while continuing to give our attention and intention, to the world we choose to see . . .
Be the change you want to see in the world – Gandhi
and one day, the world you see, will be the one you experience
Thank you for reading Your Weekly Reset and thank you for being exactly who you are!
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