Those few words have come to be the epitome of miscommunications. A message that caused unneeded angst, and ill-feelings where none was intended. “The world wonders”. Three simple words, and taken by themselves, they are insignificant and meaningless in their intent.
As a bit on context, messages, at least on the Allied side during World War 2, were often padded at the beginning and end, with meaningless gibberish in an attempt to make it more difficult to decipher. This message was no different. “Turkey trots to water” obviously had no military significance. Nor does “the world wonders”. This padding was supposed to be removed before the message was passed on. But in this one instance it was not. And, unbeknownst to the recipient, who was already worrying about whether or not he had made the right choice in changing the plans for his fleet, having that last bit of padding left in, incorrectly assumed he was being rebuked by his superior. But that was never known by his commander.
Words. Simple words, having the form of the glyphs we use when trying to convey a thought, and idea, when conversing with another human we cannot communicate with face to face, become extremely powerful. We write them, we type them, and off they go. Often times, we do not know the state the recipient is in at the time they receive it. Nor does the recipient know the state of the sender when it was originally written. A communication process that can bring both the greatest of joy, or destroy what could be a budding friendship.
In this day of instant communication, with almost anyone on the planet, by the simple act of pressing a string of characters on a keyboard, seems to have become the norm and not the exception. I remember reading some of the letters that our Founding Fathers, at least in the US, used to send to each other, as being such elegant prose. So much thought was given to the words, the phrases. It was poetry in the form of a letter, and beautiful. Now, our written communication is filled with acronyms and emojis.
And it is no different in our community, our world, our Heaven. Granted, as we become closer to the friends we chat, what we write may not need to be as measured as it once was. But still, we should always be courteous and mindful that these words are still not face to face, in a friendlier atmosphere.
And it is really no different in our everyday communications with others outside our Heaven. That person behind the checkout counter may not have intended to have what they said come off harsh, but just flubbed the message because their mind was more focused on the job at hand, and maybe the long day ahead of them. Or that person that made, what to them, was a simple remark in passing, was taken poorly because the person it was intended for, was having a tough day.
In the end, of each and every day, we are the product of not only what we do and think, but how we interact with others. Human interaction knows no gender boundaries. The carefully structured waves of differing air pressure we call sound, knows no gender. Those glyphs on the paper or on the screen, know no gender boundaries. Only we do, in our hearts and in our minds. So is it not incumbent on each of us, regardless of gender, to choose them wisely, thoughtfully, and with dignity and respect? I should hope so; I would surely like to think so. And I certainly hope the glyphs I have just put on this screen are received with the respect and dignity that I intended as I penned them. Because I do not wish the ‘world to wonder’ at their meaning.
More Articles by Michelle Lawson
- The Eternal Sea….
- Diversity of Thought-and Action
- Does 9 times 1 equal 1?
- The Magic of Memories
- Obsession……
I grew up with the saying " The Pen is Mightier than the sword" – It taught me that unintentional words often cut deeper than pointed ones – Over the years I have increased my vocabulary so as to have more to use to “not" be misunderstood as much as possible. Your article was spot on!
Very true Lori. Words will live forever and can bring much joy, or heartbreak. That is a tremendous burden, and must never be taken lightly. Hugs
When I was growing up there was a framed, hand written note above the kitchen sink in my home that I read every single day until I left home at 18 never to return. By then the content of that note was deeply embedded in my mind and has served me well ever since. The wisdom of the ages…
“Be Careful of the Words You Choose…Keep them soft and sweet. You never know from day to day which ones you may have to eat"
Yes DeAyn, wise beyond the ages….. Hugs
Ambiguity is suspicious. More so when the words are carrying great implications. Context and colloquial interpretation so often impact, most often unintentionally, the meaning intended by the author. English is not even a common language, words have different meanings around the globe. I have spent time this week looking at the differences between US and UK cultural differences. There are many. I don’t know how that can be ironed out. How would Ai deal with that I wonder? I’m thinking the impact of an action is regional, perhaps a domino effect is not inevitable after all? ‘The World Wonders’ it does… Read more »
Yes it does Alex. I remember getting asked ambiguous questions at work, and thinking, I’m gonna give them the right answer to their wrong question….. Why, because they either don’t have enough information to form a question, or they are trying to keep something from me. Both of which could be remedied by simple conversation….. so, there you go… Hugs
Great topic, sometimes it’s nice to just slow down and think before we type or speak. In this fast paced world quick communication can be interpreted wrong. So it’s best we try to be more kind towards others. Maybe their day is overwhelming and things just don’t come out correctly. One act of kindness can change someone’s day for the better
Thanks Kimberly. Spot on, but all too often that gets overlooked and an opportunity is lost to time. Hugs
Love the article and the message . We strive to be clear and forthright as we speak from our hearts 💕
Thanks Toni. Yes, words seem to get tossed about a lot these days.Good thinking will always rule the day. Hugs