We are Women! Embrace and Adore!

I would like to share my life with all the beautiful women here. Accept who you are. I waited too long, and yet it was the perfect time. I was known by my mother, and every woman that I was ever with. Each knew my true self, but I was too afraid to agree and admit that I was a woman.

What a shame that the world has become a place where we should feel ashamed of admitting that we are truly beautiful women. Biologically-born girls have the versatility of being tomboys, and their parents are proud. If a biologically-born male feels like a girl, the world is disgraced. How unfair! What this told me was that women were the lesser. How arrogant! The world worships beautiful actresses. They are adored by millions. Women across America worked hard during World War II to provide for the country, and are honored. But I should feel ashamed to be a female?

Fortunately, the world has evolved some. When I say “some,” it means we still have a long way to go. I decided that, no matter what, I have to be the woman that I am. Most of us eventually realize that we have to accept this, and proclaim “YES,” I am a woman!”

At that point in my life. I told my wife that I felt like — that I was — a woman. I told her that I did love her, but I must finish my life as the woman that I am. It did not end well, but I understood. I was at first also confused about what I wanted. Then I realized that part of me wanted to be a man’s wife. My dreams consisted of a handsome man totally attracted to and aroused by me, a female. He wanted to devour me, kiss me deeply, pulling me tight against him, a man with a woman.

I am living this now! You can, too, if this is how you feel. My man treats me like a woman, and respects my power as a woman! He loves me like the future wife to whom he recently proposed!

I hope my life goes where my dreams lead me. My message to each of you is be who you are, suffer the uneducated and all the people who do not understand. Your life is yours, not a script written by society. You are a woman, no different than a biologically-born woman. Be proud! Hold your head high! Be beautiful!


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Marsha Cooper

I am a transgender Woman, who is now living full time as the woman I am. I have been on HRT for a while now, and am contemplating SRS to complete my transition.

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Barbra Heaps
Active Member
Barbra Heaps(@barbra)
1 month ago

Thank you so much Marsha for sharing. I have been a tracked to men since puberty I wanted to be a girl since I was 5 years old. To this day that is a motivating factor for me in my transitioning to become the woman that I was meant to be. The dream of falling in love finding the right man who truly loves me. To Marrie and be a loving wife.

Sophie Bourne
Sophie Bourne
5 years ago

Dear Marsha… Oh my, this is so exactly what I want too! “Then I realized that part of me wanted to be a man’s wife. My dreams consisted of a handsome man totally attracted to and aroused by me, a female. He wanted to devour me, kiss me deeply, pulling me tight against him, a man with a woman." It’s still so strange to me. As Sophie, I really want to be with a man, and always have wanted that. Yet as a man, all I wanted most was to marry a woman and have children. And even after a… Read more »

6 years ago

I should mention that after SRS I learned I could climax,mainly it was masterbation,but so much more different than a male one.
my surgeon was a plastic one and built a nerve bundle that serviced as a clit.

the first time i got off,I passed out from the experience. for you ladies awaiting surgery,it is worth it for sure.

Jackie Smith
Jackie Smith(@racinggirl)
6 years ago

Hi Marsha, It was such a feeling of exhilaration when I read your statement: Then I realized that part of me wanted to be a man’s wife. My dreams consisted of a handsome man totally attracted to and aroused by me, a female. He wanted to devour me, kiss me deeply, pulling me tight against him, a man with a woman. That is exactly what I have been feeling. I am 61 yrs of age, and came out just two years ago. I’ve been on a similar journey as others, with doctors, therapists, learning to shop for clothing, shoes, and… Read more »

6 years ago

My goal of being a woman I hope to come I want to be a woman full time with a lesbian partner I always knew that I am lesbian also

Charlie Cavanaugh
Charlie Cavanaugh(@charliec)
6 years ago

Love your story, girl. How romantic! 💕❤️

Tammy Baxter
Tammy Baxter(@tammy)
6 years ago

Wow hunnie what a wonderful story thank you so much for the encouragement, I hope you will be truly happy with your man
Big hugs xx

Vanessa Law
Active Member
Vanessa Law(@vanessa)
6 years ago

Thank you for your courage, confidence and inspiration!

Satish Chandri
Satish Chandri(@sahisaheli)
6 years ago

Lovely story which encourages to be full-time woman but this is practically aurdous.One has to prepare people around us to accept what we are.One thing we cannot go on hiding our true self the day has to come to reveal our female side.Thanks for the article.
Love sati

Joanna Knight
Joanna Knight
6 years ago

Your words make me want to live as the woman I am all day and night! I just don’t think I can when my family doesn’t know my woman side at all! They only know man side! I’m not sure how they will take it when I do tell them!
I still need to work on my make up and getting my teeth!

Dame Veronica Graunwolf
6 years ago

Hi Marsha……Sweetie…..that is a lovely story of your life. Yes, life has ups and downs but the greatest up of all is discovering who you really are and want to be. Pursue those goals no matter how hard they get to be. Be all you can be. That is what life truly is all about. I am behind you 100 per cent or if you need a shield….just call me. I will be in front of you.
Big Bear Hugs!!!!

Dame Veronica

𝓜𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝓒𝓁ℴℯ́ 💋💋
Active Member
6 years ago

Thank you Marsha. I’m still in the throws of the physical transition, but find myself starting to consider the future beyond that in more detail. It’s not settled in my mind what my preferences will be, so I don’t dwell on them. I know I would be an emotional wreck to anyone at this point and wouldn’t want to ruin a good relationship nor spend a lot of energy at it. Yes, it would be wonderful to have a partner to hold my hand through the changes. One that would love me for who I am. But, asking them to… Read more »

Vanessa-Marie Villarreal
Vanessa-Marie Villarreal(@vanessa-marie)
6 years ago


Thank you for you inspirational story.


April King
Active Member
April King(@april-king)
6 years ago

Thank you for sharing Marsha – I am on a different journey than you, but they are all equally valid. Just be who you are is the main message I take.

Cami Jansen
Cami Jansen
6 years ago

Thank you for sharing and inspiring me with you story Marsha.
Give me hope xx.

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