What life throws at me, Rinse and Repeat

Here it is girls, the bounce back strategies that have saved many a life, expanded a few more and even started some, where none were visible before.

Just glancing through the archives of a few of the articles here can illuminate your life experience in ways you may not even imagine as possible for you right now. I can say that because it has been my experience again and again.

When life throws a curveball, as our own amazing Cynthia writes, it is a time for new measures, tactics, and strategies. We cannot expect different results if we continue to think, say and do the same things we are engaged in, some quite habitually.

There is only one truly constant factor that I am aware of and that is change. Even in the state of decay after death, change continues. Change is the one thing we can count on to always be consistent, being in a continual process.

We are a part of everything and once aware of this truth, it changes the way we experience everything. When I believed that ‘life’ was happening to me, not through or by me, I suffered tremendously. Pretty much consistently, lasting for decades. Oh, there were highlights of fun parties and cool experiences, but the consistent theme was suffering. I felt alone and lonely, confused and tired all the time.

Life would throw me a curve ball back in the day and I would feel angry, hurt and upset, as a result I would blame. It was ‘life’ doing this to me, giving me a sense of being powerless; I was not powerless, but I believed I was, and so I was.

Once I stopped using the ‘Blame thrower’ and began accepting responsibility for my life, things began to change in a much more fun way than I had experienced prior to this decision.

If I wanted to experience life, feeling free and content in my skin and genuinely happy to be on the planet, I had some work to do!! I had a few beliefs that were working against my authentic self-expression, changing the use of blame as a reaction was completely up to me.

I began my conscious adventure to truth by using one simple exercise that has served me so well that it’s kind of creepy, but a good creepy and more like magical.

I stand in front of the mirror and talk, listen intently and deliberate with Char. Not as Char, but rather as the one behind the eyes of Char. The conversations have been enlightening, expanding and quite magical at times.

The way I experience life today is so vastly different than even just a few years ago. I have fewer challenges and without suffering, for that I am incredibly grateful.

What is amazing, is that life no longer throws things at me in the same way. Challenges continue to appear, but in a much more gentile way.

This week, touch the Reset button with a decision made to stop suffering. Step up to the mirror and ask the sweet soul there a few questions: what do you need? What do you genuinely want? What would you do if you could do anything?

Then listen! Rinse and repeat the exercise.

Imagine there are no limits in creating, because the truth is, the only limits there are, are the natural laws of nature and the limits we create ourselves, by believing that we are separate from source and finite as a being.

Convincing your mind to accept the new radical idea becomes easier as you connect with your character in the mirror, once the connection is made your paradigm will shift in magical ways.

Thank you for reading Your Weekly Reset and girlfriend, thank you for being exactly who you are!



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From a life of struggle, addiction and suicide attempts, to Published Author, Certified Life Coach/Certified Hypnotist and building an online support service for peeps like us. Intentionally and Consciously Creating a Rewarding, Abundant Life of Purpose, Passion & Possibility is what I Am all about...

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