Reply To: Confrontation


Hi Allikat and Carly,

I feel your anguish and concerns Allikat and understand what you are going through.

Carly, you reply too is clear to understand, however I think we have to bear in mind as much as possible always to avoid going to places where we know a confrontation is likely until we are more empowered to deal with the situation. Pehaps taking differnt routes to places you wish to go or changing precisely where you go if there is a good alternative. Don’t be stuck in a routine of behaviour, make conscious choices about when and where you go anywhere until you feel more able to with it all. Small steps can create a magnificent creation if you go about things in a clear and deliberate way. Focus on not being confronted anywhere when you go out, walk, talk and act with total confidence. You may find that by projecting that energy enough to signal to others pay respect to your choice to be you.

If you go out expecting confrontation and problems you will most certainly find them even if you don’t want them. It will not happen over night but don’t loose hope, just persevre in you focus of thought and self confidence and it will happen.
If you do the same things in life, you will get the same results – unitl you’re able to change your own behaviour and thinking

Love and hugs

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