Upload your photos below.
Public photos are visible to the Internet, please only upload photos you’re comfortable being public. SILVER and GOLD members can also upload private photos to share with their friends.
Photo Upload Limits
FREE – 10 photos
COPPER – 20 photos
BRONZE – 200 photos
SILVER – 2,000 photos
GOLD – 20,000 photos
Upgrade your plan to upload more photos
SILVER and GOLD members can also upload private photos to share with their friends.
Photo Upload
You need to be logged in to upload an image.
Guidelines for Sharing Great Photos
- Be aware of objects in the foreground and background – no one wants to see your bathroom, kitchen, messy bedroom or anything other that you.
- Be aware of back lighting and front lighting. Do not stand in front of a window, or with a bright light behind you.
- Be aware of props that may be offensive, such a couch pillows or wall decorations with offensive words or images that are visible in the photo
- Try to frame the shot so you are in the center.
General Rule: Do not post anything you would not wear in public, Keep it classy. Clothing, makeup, nails, shoes, outfits all acceptable
- No Nudity, undergarments or sleepwear, especially suggestive poses
- No visual body parts or bulges
- No full backsides
- No Memes, drawings or cartoons
- No commercial photographs published anywhere else on the net, including, but not limited to catalog photos, Pinterest photos, store photos, etc…
- No Bad language in titles, including Sissy and any non PG words
- No Duplicate photos, either of the same pose or just slightly different poses of the same outfit
- No sexually explicit poses regardless of outfit
- Please limit the amount of photos uploaded to 4 a day to allow others to have front page time
- Only post photos of yourself
- Remember, Public Photos are visible by non-Members outside of Transgender Heaven
Failure to follow these rules will result in the photo being deleted, continued infractions can lead to more substantial consequences