Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven Scholar
Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven are the premier online destinations for crossdressers and transgender people. We have deep ties to the community and an ability to directly reach many who can contribute to research about our community.
The purpose of the scholar program is to help foster research of the transgender and crossdressing community by academics, industry, government and community organizations. By encouraging this research we hope to play a small part in developing programs that improve the quality of life for those in our community.
Requirements for Research Opportunities to be Promoted
Personally Identifiable Information from submissions are not disclosed. No personal information from members shall be disclosed. This includes name, email, address, phone number, and any other personally identifiable information. Should any personally identifiable information be disclosed (whether inadvertently or not) you shall notify all affected members within 30 days.
All published data shall be aggregated and anonymous and possess the property of k-30 anonymity. (more details about k-anonymity)
Attribution: Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven shall be listed as references in any published research, and include a link to each website from the published research.
Right to distribute published research: Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven shall have the right to distribute any published research. Including but not limited to publishing on website and through email distribution lists.
Notification when research is published: Let us know by email when the research has been published so we can share the results with the community.
Research is not intended to harm the community: No research promoting corrective therapy or intended to perpetuate harmful stereotypes will be accepted. We reserve the right to reject research requests for any reason.
How Your Research will be Promoted
The following steps shall be taken to promote research requests on Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven.
- You can post a forum post announcing the research with instructions for how to participate
If you would like increased visibility we will offer reduced advertising rates for all research requests, please contact us for details.
Submit the following information to get started
You can submit a request for help with transgender research here.
Brief overview and purpose the research
Include links to websites that contain more detailed information as appropriate.
Affiliated Institution (University, Company, Government or Community Entity)
List of institutions funding the research
Please include all sources of funding
List of Researchers conducting the study
First and last names of researchers conducting the study. Specify whether you would like this information kept private or whether we can publish
Details for how to participate
Include all relevant contact information – email, phone numbers, web links, etc.
Expected research dates and publish date
Dates on when research participants are being accepted, and the expected publish date of research.
(Optional) Images promoting the research or images of affiliated institution
These will be used on Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven to promote your research. By submitting an image you grant us the right to use the image.
To Members and Guests of Crossdresser Heaven and Transgender Heaven
While we make a best effort to evaluate any requests for research, we cannot be held responsible for information you provide to the researchers. We encourage anyone who is interested to do due diligence on each request.