Reply To: Breast Augmentation By Implant for Beginners

Michelle Lawson

This is from a comment posted by Dr. Michelle Roughton at Amelia Aesthetics: So under the muscle I don’t see a lot of benefit from textured implants.  Over the muscle is a different story.  Textured implants, as I am sure you know, are associated with a rare form of lymphoma (which is a cancer).  It’s super rare and even more rare to die from it, but you can.  Most of my patients freak out (and I would too, no shade!) about that and I’ve just switched to smooth all the time except for very specific cases.  The rate of capsular contracture with a smooth implant OVER the muscle is 6 x higher than when placed UNDER.  So I talk to most of my over patients about considering texture devices.  Time changes every woman’s body, breasts, etc with or without surgery so I don’t think anyone can claim that textured devices STOP drooping.  I’d just be really informed and know what to look for for the ALCL (lymphoma), which is late onset (think over 1 year later) seroma or fluid collection.  I hope this was helpful and not too scary.

More on the cancer and capsular contracture in the Safety (II) section, so stay tuned…..

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