Reply To: Choosing self-adhesive breast forms


Given the record of pharmaceutical corporations around the world, I suspect that Hollister 7730 costs a couple of pounds to manufacture. The rest is profit. As for aerosols, they are still harmful in many ways.

It is estimated that phasing out of chlorofluorocarbons now stand at 90%, implying that the 10% are still causing damage to the environment. The small percentage is mainly found in developing countries. Even in countries where they have been banned entirely, they have been replaced by propellants containing hydrocarbons, which still contribute to the global warming. The modern CFC-free aerosols still emit the volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which still affect the ozone and the environment. The VOCs are the primary component of the asthma-inducing smog. Besides, the propellants in aerosol cans are highly flammable when in contact with fire and can cause explosions and start fires. Empty aerosol cans are considered as hazardous waste in the US.

In place of CFCs, aerosols now use hydrocarbons and compressed gases, such as nitrous oxide, as propellants. These chemicals are greenhouse gases and contribute to the global-warming effect. They also contain volatile organic compounds that release ozone into the lower atmosphere and add to smog.

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