Reply To: Limited by illness


Hi Marianne, so sorry to hear of your condition! I have a similar condition you may be familiar with called Essential Tremor. I could barely type, do simple things like drive in a nail, or use a knife and fork until about 4 years ago when I had surgery called deep brain stimulation. While it isn’t as effective LT for Parkinson’s it has proved beneficial in some cases. I don’t know if you discussed it with your neuro as a possibility, but it has been the best thing medically I have done in my life! I still have issues with my left hand, but it is manageable, and my procedure allows me to adjust the electrical pulses to “fine tune” it. They also can do laser or other permanent adjustments, but that scared me as it would be irreversible.

Anyway, maybe you can find a make-up assistant to do your eyes, at least. Before the DBS, I couldn’t apply mascara or eyeliner without poking myself in the eye, and it got so I had to stop dressing because it was just getting to be so tiring and unrewarding. So I know what you are dealing with first-hand!



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