Reply To: New To Transgender Heaven

DeeAnn Hopings

Kindred spirit! I’m a retired mechanical engineer. 43 years with only 2 companies. In that time I did do programming in FORTRAN, Basic, Datatrieve and various discrete event simulation languages for 6 years, but that was in the mid-80’s to the early 90’s. Anyway, had I known your background I wouldn’t have made the comment.

I think there is always a fine line with these kinds of sites. It’s hard for people to get a sense of the site if it is completely closed before you join, but you don’t want to allow broad access to non-members either.

I’m a big motorsports fan and one of the sites I’m has a current events/political section. At one point there was discussion about the number of LGBT folks in the US. Someone found some numbers and I commented (they don’t know anything about me) that typically the numbers are under reported. Somebody else piped up that they couldn’t see why the numbers would be under reported. I had to fight the urge to rip him a new one!?!? Calmly I replied that in most of the US LGBT people, particularly trans people, don’t have discrimination protection regarding housing, employment, etc. so they are very fearful about their information becoming public. Your situation is another variation on a theme. My guess as to why people don’t know these things is that they don’t want to know. If they did it might would force them to reconsider all the knee jerk shit that passes for opinions.

Anyway, enough of that. Have an excellent Sunday!

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