Reply To: Introduction


Hi Susannah, welcome to the group. As Carly said we all go through a time where we explore where we have been in life and where we are headed. Some of us have know from an early age that we were not comfortable with the way the world defined us based on our external genitalia, even if we did not have the words to describe it. And then some have only come to the revelation recently.  For instance I have known 60 of my 64 years that it was not right that I was in a male body and it was why I had been dressing in private as a girl for that entire time; that I never fit in with males. But it was not until the bathroom bills came up in North Carolina 5-6 years ago that to me the line was drawn in the sand and I was being challenged to decide what I actually believed. And if I was going to stay in the closet or I was going to become my true self.

So read the chats that others post and read the postings in the forums and examine yourself. Transition is not easy, but if you find that you are tired of pretending to be something that you are not and you feel trapped in the body of someone that is not you then you should explore what your future might be. At some point you will want to engage a gender therapist to help you examine yourself or to guide you into transition. Only you can decide what is right for yourself.  But a therapist can have you ask yourself the right questions. Best of luck and I hope to see you around this group for a long time.

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