Patch Placement Advice?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Anonymous.
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    • #138127

      I am hyperactive, and have always found it hard to find a place patches will stay on me with any reliability. I have used belly, butt, outside of thighs, and upper arms. Each with varying degrees of success. And failure.

      I move a lot. I flex a lot. I wiggle a lot. I toss and turn in bed a lot.

      Anyone have any advice on how to handle this?

    • #138131
      DeeAnn Hopings

      Offhand, I would think that under clothes would help as well as large square  bandages over the patch. Also, since our bodies sweat and/or pass oils through the skin, cleaning the site with an astringent before applying the patch may also help.

    • #138132
      Dana Munson

      Oooh! I am glad this subject came up, since I am getting close to the time when my endo will be prescribing “E” for me, probably to come via patches (from what he has previously said).

    • #139618

      I’m not on HRT anymore, but when my Endo prescribed patches, he suggested pasting them on my buttocks.  I tried it, but they got smudged off easily.  I then began putting them on my upper arm.  They stayed there much better, although they would eventually work their way off.   When I changed patches, I put the new one next to the the previous one, not on the same spot.  It helps if you use alcohol to clean your skin before attaching them, but make sure the alcohol has dried first.

    • #139626

      If patches do not work well, suggest taking oral estradiol tablets sublingually.

      Two helpful (related) websites:
      1) An Introduction to Hormone Therapy for Transfeminine People

      2) Genital Application via the Scrotum and Neolabia for Greatly Enhanced Absorption of Transdermal Estradiol in Transfeminine People

      Facebook group:

      MTF Trans HRT Hormone Forum




      • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Kathy.
    • #139632

      Medical folk recommend upper arm or above chest, I think this is because of the least body movement so they do not fall off, as much. So any area that rubs a lot or has high sweat is not ideal, no arm pits ladies.  Also I am no doc so if the site is recommended for medical reasons follow the docs advice. Personally I am partial to my waist line above the belt, as it is super easy to get to and manage them.

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